You may cancel an order prior to making payment. To cancel, call (954) 766-0700 and choose option 3.
We do not allow cancellation of orders on which full or partial payment has been made, even if the product has yet not shipped or been scheduled for local pickup.
We accept returns of any product which is incorrect, damaged in transit, not as represented, or otherwise defective.
You may return products by mail or in store at 2727 E Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 105, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306.
If returning by mail, we offer a downloadable prepaid insured UPS shipping label.
To initiate a return, call (954) 766-0700 and choose option 3.
We do not charge a restocking fee for returns.
Refunds are processed within (3) business days of receipt of your items.
If you were charged a shipping fee, it is included in the refund.
Refunds will be issued via our choice of business check, certified check, or bank wire. We do not issue refunds in cash.
We do not accept returns due to customer error, changes in the spot market price, or buyer's remorse.